Publikationen / Publications

-- Buchkapitel / Book Chapters --

Evolução, interrupção e continuidade –
os primeiros anos da Escola de Ulm

Evolution, disruption and continuity –
the early years of the Ulm School of Design

In: Livia Debbane (ed.) Boa forma Gute form. Design no Brasil 1947-1968.
São Paulo, 2021. pp. 98–113.
ISBN 978-84-18895-28-9

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Buchcover Das Desgn Digitaler Produkte

Digitale Produkte – Produktdesign und Designstudiengänge in Zeiten der Digitalisierung
In: Jochen Denzinger (Hg.) Das Design digitaler Produkte: Entwicklungen, Anwen
dungen, Perspektiven, Birkhäuser, 2018, pp. 60-73.
Buchcover Uncertain Futures

Dialektik des Größenwahns: Design als Change Agent
In: Marius Förster / Saskia Hebert / Mona Hofmann / Wolfgang Jonas (Hg.) Un/Certain Futures – Rollen des Designs in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen. transcript, 2018, pp. 144-159.
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Kompletter Sammelband als Open Access E-Book (PDF)

Design de interface para aplicações móveis multi-touch
In: Gui Bonsiepe, Do Material ao Digital
Blucher, São Paulo, 2015, pp. 53-66.

Christiane Wachsmann, David Oswald, Petra Kellner
Die Abteilung Information der HfG Ulm – Vorgeschichte und Entwicklung
in: David Oswald, Christiane Wachsmann, Petra Kellner (Hg.) Rückblicke. Die Abteilung Information an der hfg ulm. Ulm, 2015, pp. 14-23.

Max Bense und die Informationsästhetik
in: David Oswald, Christiane Wachsmann, Petra Kellner (Hg.) Rückblicke. Die Abteilung Information an der hfg ulm. Ulm, 2015, pp. 116-123.
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Available online in German and English language:

Design und Vertrauen: Schein und Sein in der Visuellen Kommunikation.
in: Der Goldene Funke 2012, Nomos, Baden Baden, 2012, pp. 16-19.

Semiotik auditiver Interfaces – Zur Geschichte von Gestaltung und Rezeption auditiver Zeichen in Computer-Interfaces
in: Das geschulte Ohr. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Sonifikation
Sound Studies Reihe der UdK Berlin, transcript Verlag, 2012, pp. 247-267.

Jörn Loviscach, David Oswald
In the Mood: Tagging Music with Affects
in: Peter C., Beale R. (eds.): Affect and Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction:
From Theory to Applications
, Springer, Berlin 2008, pp. 220-228.



Eine typische Mappenkarriere
in: Mythos Mappe, Klartext Verlag, Essen 2002, pp. 10-12.

Die Farb-Ton Parallele
in: Gui Bonsiepe, Heinz Bähr (Hg.):
in: Infodesign – Drittes Kölner Design Jahrbuch
Walther König Verlag, Köln 1994, pp. 126-127.



-- Sammelbände / Edited Volumes --

David Oswald, Christiane Wachsmann, Petra Kellner (Hg.)
Rückblicke. Die Abteilung Information an der hfg ulm
mit Beiträgen von Gui Bonsiepe, Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, Hanna Laura Klar, Elke Koch-Weser Amassari, David Oswald, Sabine Sass, Margit Staber-Weinberg, Christiane Wachsmann und Erdmann Wingert. Ulm, 2015, 200 Seiten.

Available online in German and English language, partly also in Spanish.

-- Zeitschriftenartikel / Journal Articles --

Cybernetics, operations research and information theory at the Ulm School of Design and its influence on Latin America
AI & Society. Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication. Special issue on: Cybernetics in Latin America. Contexts Developments, Perceptions and Impacts. 2021. Available online at

Max Bense y el departamento de información en Ulm – El corazón de la Hochschule für Gestaltung
Experimenta, revista para la cultura del diseño, nº 81, 2019. Madrid, España. ISSN 9771133967003, p. 132-135.

Christiane Wachsmann, David Oswald
Writing as a Design Discipline – The Information Department of the Ulm School of Design and its Impact on the School and Beyond
AIS/Design. Storia e Ricerche, No. 6, December 2015.
E-Journal of the Italian Association of Design Historians,
Special issue on "Designers and Writing in the Twentieth Century"
edited by Fiorella Bulegato, Maddalena Dalla Mura and Carlo Vinti. Milano, Italy, 10 pages.
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El Departamento de Información de la Escuela de Diseño de Ulm
infolio nº 3, enero 2015. Madrid, España. ISSN 2255-4564, 8 pages.
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Der Mythos von der Intuition
Design Report 4/11 zum Schwerpunktthema Interface, August 2011, p. 41.

Opas Ölfarben
in: pocketPAGE 2004.01 Ausbildung, Studium, Weiterbildung.

The Way Things Work
in: form diskurs 2, Design und Neue Medien, 1997.

-- Konferenzbeiträge / Conference Papers --

Affordances and Metaphors Revisited: Testing Flat vs. Skeuomorph Design with Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants
Proceedings of BHCI 2018, 32nd British Human Computer Interaction Conference.
Belfast, UK, 2018, 11 pages.
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From Ethics to Politics: If Design Is Problem Solving, What Then Are the Problems?
Proceedings of E&PDE 2016, 18th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Aalborg, Denmark, 2016, pp. 620-625.
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David Oswald, Steffen Kolb
Flat Design vs. Skeuomorphism - Effects on Learnability and Image Attribution in Digital Product Interfaces
Proceedings of E&PDE 2014, 16th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Enschede, The Netherlands, 2014, pp. 402-407.

Dynamic Sense-Making in Use Processes of Digital Products – A Semiotic Approach to User Interface Design.
Proceedings of AISDR 2013, 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research. Tokyo, Japan, 2013, pp. 1652-1663.
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Universal Dilettantes and Blinkered Specialists: Historic Models and Future Potential of Interdisciplinary Design Education.
Proceedings of E&PDE 2013, 15th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Dublin, Ireland, 2013, pp. 599-604.

Krefting, D.; Blau, A.; Rodenbeck, A.; Wu, J.; Drepper, J.; Siewert, R.; Canisius, S.; Glos, M.; Harbach, M.; Smith, M.; Oswald, D.:
Somnonetz - Eine digitale Lösung zur schlafmedizinischen Qualitätssicherung.

In: GMDS 2013: 58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, Lübeck 2013.

Blau, A.; Rodenbeck, A.; Smith, M.; Drepper, J.; Wu, J.; Glos, M.; Canisius, S.; Siewert, R.; Penzel, T.; Oswald, D.; Krefting, D.:
Somnonetz - Eine digitale Lösung der schlafmedizinischen Qualitätssicherung
In: Pneumologie 2013, Thieme, Stuttgart 2013.

Daniela Kuka, David Oswald
Visual Rhetoric of Self-Optimization Systems
Proceedings of AISV-IAVS 2012, 10th Congress of the International Association of Visual Semiotics. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013, 6 pages.
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The Information Department at the Ulm School of Design

Proceedings of ICDHS 2012 - 8th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies; Design Frontiers: Territories, Concepts, Technologies. São Paulo, Brasil, 2012, pp. 69-73.
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Non-Speech Audio-Semiotics: A Review and Revision of Auditory Icon and Earcon Theory
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Auditory Display. Atlanta, USA, 2012, pp. 36-43.
Abstract, Download paper

David Oswald; Andreas Kettenhofen
Employing Random Processes and Storytelling for Design Creativity
Proceedings of ICDC 2012, 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity. Glasgow, UK, 2012, pp. 37-43.

J. Wu, R. Siewert, S. Specovius, B. Löhnhardt, R. Gruetz, F. Dickmann, A. Brandt, M. Scheel, D. Oswald, D. Krefting Demonstration on Web-based Interactive Visualization of Grid-enabled Neuroimaging Applications
Proceedings of HealthGrid 2012. Amsterdam, NL, 2012, 1 page, poster.

Krefting, D.; Blau, A.; Rodenbeck, A.; Smith, M.; Drepper, J.; Wu, J.; Harbach, M.; Glos, M.; Canisius, S.; Siewert, R.; Penzel, T.; Oswald, D.
SomnoNetz: Verteilte IT-Forschungsinfrastruktur zur multizentrisch vernetzten Forschung und Zusammenarbeit in der Schlafmedizin.
In: GMDS 2012. 57. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, Braunschweig, 2012.

Touch Interfaces – Between Hyperrealism and Invisibility
in: Proceedings of ISEA 2011, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Volume 18 Issue 4, Istanbul, 2012, 4 pages.

Hajinejad, Sheptykin, Grüter, Worpenberg, Lochwitz, Oswald, Vatterrott
Casual mobile game play – On integrated practices of mobile game research, design and play
in: Proceedings of DIGRA 2011, Hilversum, NL, 2011, 16 pages.

Ideation and Design of Novel iPad Apps: A Design Education Case Study
Proceedings of E&PDE2011, 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. London, UK, 2011, pp. 660-665.
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Towards a redefinition of product design and product design education
in: Proceedings of E&PDE2010: "When Design Education and Design Research meet"
12th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education.
Trondheim, Norway, September 2010, pp. 36-41.
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Jörn Loviscach, David Oswald
In the Mood: Tagging Music with Affects
HCI 2006 workshop paper on "Emotion in HCI", London, UK. Published in: Joint Proceedings of the 2005, 2006, and 2007 International Workshops, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 2008, pp. 118-125.

-- Forschungsberichte / Research Reports --

Gui Bonsiepe, Jutta Frings, David Oswald, Oliver Wrede,
Entwicklung eines Interfacekonzepts und Umsetzung in einen Prototypen
in: Multileu. Entfernter Zugriff auf verteiltes multimediales Lehrmaterial
Abschlussbericht BMBF Forschungsprojekt, BMBF 01BN617, 2000.

Gui Bonsiepe, Jutta Frings, David Oswald, Oliver Wrede,
MultiLeu Benutzerhandbuch
BMBF Forschungsprojekt, 2000.